Press - raindancer in the Media

There have been several reports about raindancer in the press.

Due to copyright reasons, no articles can be published here. Newspapers often offer the possibility to buy old articles from the archive.

"Op naar 10 tot 20 minder waterverbruik" Boerderij 12/2019
Een van de toepassingen waar Sjaak Huetink op focust, is beregening op maat. Op het juiste moment, op de juiste plek en de juiste hoeveelheid.
bij het artikel

"Der Computer macht die Felder nass" - LAND & ForstNr. 8 from 25.02.2016 Page: 58

Report on a joint project with the Uelzen-based company "Ingenieurbüro von der Ohe" and "Porsch Wasser und Umwelttechnik" to optimize pump control systems. This project was presented at the annual general meeting of the professional association for field irrigation.

"Immer wichtiger: Flottenmanagement" - Profi Technik 05/2016 Page: 84

Short summary of the advantages of a fleet management system in agricultural irrigation.

"Weniger Druck und Wasser" - Farmer's newspaper no. 15 of 15.04.2016 Page: 36

On page 36 mentions the raindancer as the tool for monitoring and documentation.

"Kunstregen unter Kontrolle" - farmer's newspaper No. 15 of 15.04.2016 Page: 38

Report on the trend towards the use of GPS-monitored installations in irrigation.

"Die Digitalisierung schafft Freiräume" - LAND & Forst No. 17 of 28.04.2016

2 page user report about the use of the raindancer in an association. Here, not only the optimized processes but also the control of the pumps were highlighted.

"Flottenmanagement für die Beregnung" - farmers' newspaper from 06.05.2016 Page: 33

Product presentation raindancer.

"Hey, was geht App? Die App die mit dem regen tanzt" - Gemüse 06/2017 Digitisation in horticulture. Presentation of the solution raindancer.

"Zukunftsmodell sparsame und intelligente Bewässerung"- Gemüse 02/2018 Page:20
Report from Agritechnica 2017 about raindancer and the new electronic sector control system.